Welcome to the WWW site of the central Slovene physics library. This service is a part of the Jozef Stefan Institute information system. For more information about the biggest Slovenian research institution, or Slovenia itself, see the Institute home page at http://ijs.muzej.si/


[LINK] basic information about the library
[LINK] COBISS (on-line public access catalog, service provided by IZUM, Maribor)
[LINK] COBIB (official version of your bibliography as used by MZT, service provided by IZUM, Maribor)
[LINK] new books in the library (updated 12.November.1998)
[LINK] new journals in the library (updated daily) [NEW]
[LINK] CD-ROMs in the library (updated 18.November.1997)
[LINK] electronic journals service (updated 16.November.1998)
[LINK] science information services (updated 17.June.1998)
[LINK] local information services (accessible only to *.ijs.si, EBSCO[NEW], INSPEC[NEW], OCLC[NEW], ProQuest[NEW], updated 16.September.1998)

This home page is located at http://libra.ijs.muzej.si/

[LINK] av 16.November.1998